Keep Going..

It’s been 15 days since starting this 30 day yoga challenge and I definitely feel a change in perspective but completely different than I thought I would feel. I thought the more I did yoga I would feel a greater sense of peace and tranquility and I would walk the streets whispering ‘om’ to everyone who passed by me. Unfortunately that did not happen. Instead a deep sense of panic set in every morning when I tried to schedule in my yoga session for the day. As soon as I declared to the world/fb that I was going to do a 30 day yoga challenge my schedule exploded with fun new projects and important meetings. As murphy’s law would have it, my schedule got more and more packed. The easier thing to do would have been to blow off my yoga challenge altogether and to go about my days/nights without the guilt and sore muscles that came along with the challenge. However, I decided to persevere (well except the two days of yoga I missed while away to Chicago, which I am very disappointed about). It just goes to show that there are so many ways in which we sabotage ourselves and put off the things that are really important and that can make a huge difference in our lives.  My challenge is to persevere with the 30 day challenge and I am hopeful by day 30 this will not only become a part of my daily life, but something that is at the very top of my priority list.

perfect moment

Raw Yoga

A Change of Perspective

On my very recent trip to India I began thinking about how different my life would have been had I been born and raised in India instead of Toronto. Would I have had the same personality and thought process or would it have been different?

Our realities seem so real to us but if one little aspect of our lives changed we would have a totally different outlook on life. Our perspective would have changed.

Think of the various different perspectives we can have when viewing something as simple as a glass of water. Everyone can look at it and see something different (besides the whole glass half empty/full analogy)

  • One person could see water as a way to alleviate thirst.
  • Another a source of weight loss.
  • Another a means to help their health.
  • Another to take medication.
  • Another who doesn’t want to drink it because they simply hate drinking water.

Bottom line: everyone views things differently based on a variety of factors. This shapes their view or perspective on the world. How interesting would it be to get in peoples heads and see how they think?

Over coffee last week with my bff Agatha (my sister from another mister) I began telling her about my travels and thought processes while away. We were interested to see if we had the ability to change our worldview in 30 days. So here is our experiment that we like to call Raw Yoga- 30 days of daily yoga.

I am a firm believer that if you change one little thing in your life sooner or later your life and perspective will change too!

So here we go…